October Home Maintenance Tips
- At the end of the month, check for leaks, then drain and turn off sprinklers.
- Clean and remove window screens. Repair any rips or holes, label them by room, and store.
- Clean windows and storm windows before installing.
- Check to make sure your thermostat works.
- Clean your carpets. Use a spot remover and pet stain remover for stains.
- Before using wood-burning stoves and fireplaces, make sure your fire extinguishers are charged. Don’t have one? We do, stop in one of our stores.
- Daylight Savings time is first Sunday of November. Prepare for earlier evenings: Check your exterior light bulbs, replace motion sensors if needed, and plug lamps into timers to save energy costs and for safety.
Whether you need a motion light fixture, a light timer switch, a plug in timer, or any other electrical part, we have a wide variety of quality supplies that can help you with any size electrical project.
- Replace weather stripping and caulk around doors and windows. We offer a wide variety of weather proofing products. If you need to replace weather stripping, install a new door sweep, or install insulating plastic, 21 Country can help.
- Now is a good time to have your central air conditioner serviced. Cover any window units and central air compressors with waterproof covers.
- Prepare your automobile for winter: check fluids, replace your winter tools (snow scraper, emergency shovel, and lock deicer) plus add traction sand to the trunk or your truck bed. Whether you are completing routine maintenance, cleaning your auto, or need other supplies,visit us.
- Check smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Replace the batteries if needed.
- Inspect your home for holes, cracks, and crevices that can increase winter energy costs or allow rodents and pests to enter your home. Fill holes and cracks with steel wool, wood filler, or spray foam insulation. Use wood fillers and concrete patch where the needed. Caulk small seams or cracks with a quality silicone based caulk. Browse our variety of quality caulks and fillers to help you with your projects in and around your home. Whether you are patching sheetrock/plaster, wood, or concrete 21 Countryhas the products you need.
- Put out, or replenish, rodent control products. Remember, you never have just one mouse!
- Finish your yard cleanup. Remove debris from around the perimeter of house and sheds.
- Trim any trees or shrubs that touch the house and garage.
- Rake leaves to prevent smothering any new grass and to make spring cleanup easier.
- Drain and store lawn and garden watering hoses. Coil your hoses up into an unused garbage can.
- Cover your woodpile. Consider using two smaller tarps instead of one large tarp for easier access. Split kindling and begin storing.
- Harvest the last of the vegetables, plant spring bulbs, and put the garden to bed for the winter.
- Plant early spring bulbs and fertilize established bulb beds, including tulips, daffodils, and garlic.
- Plant herb baskets and any bulbs you “force” for holiday gift ideas.
- Make sure all raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries have been pruned. Remove old growth and dead canes. Compost pruned material away from the garden to minimize any risk of spreading disease.
- Harvest seeds for next year’s garden. For free information on how to save seeds, see the International Seed Saving Institute.
- Move tender perennials into the house, garage, or greenhouse.
Seasonal Supplies
- Window & glass cleaner. We carry Gleme, the best cleaner in our opinion.
- Contractor garbage bags
- Carpet cleaning products & spot removers
- Tarps & bungy cords
- Fire extinguishers
- Weather stripping
- Exterior & interior light bulbs
- Air conditioner covers
- Motion sensors
- Steel wool, wood filler,& spray foam insulation
- Window & door caulk
- Leaf rakes& lawn tarps
- 9-volt batteries
- Auto anti-freeze
- Window insulating plastic
- Window screening, screen spline, & screening tools